
The venue we've used since the beginning is Abbey Lakes, near Poitiers, France, simply put, it is a fantastic venue with some completely jaw dropping fish in it.
In 2009 we started with just 1 x lake - Heron, since that time we have grown every year and we now use all 5 lakes at the venue:
Each year we have also grown in size to the events maximum in 2014 of 100 x angler​s (50 x Pairs).
The venue features everything we need in way of both facilities and lakes. Everyone that fishes Abbey believes the fish stocked in their waters are without doubt some of the best looking carp in France. Each lake offers a different style of fishing and size of fish, for a competition it is ideal.
If you havn't had the oppertunity to fish in France then you really need to try Abbey Lakes as the fish are absolutley stunning, as if they are from a UK water.
We hope we can count on seeing you at an event soon, but be warned spaces go VERY fast.
Russ and Tim
Attila Lake

Heron Lake

Fox Lake

Kingfisher Lake

Wildboar Lake